Preventing Tomorrow’s Criminals: A Comprehensive Children’s Mental Health & Crime Prevention Framework

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Join us on Friday, January 22nd from 10am-12pm EST for an online course

Preventing Tomorrow’s Criminals: A Comprehensive Children’s Mental Health & Crime Prevention Framework

This course is offered at no cost to participants, with a suggested donation of $25-100 to support our work to prevent violence and promote safer communities. For those requesting CE credits, there is a charge of $35.

Friday, January 22nd, 2020
10am-12pm EST

2 Continuing Education Credit offered for LCSW, LMHC & LMFT
*Florida License Only
Certificate of completion available upon request to be self-reported to other boards. The Melissa Institute cannot guarantee credits for other boards.


Children who commit delinquent acts between the ages of 7 and 12 have an increased risk of becoming tomorrow’s serious, violent, and chronic offenders. These children tend to be angry, irritable, impulsive, aggressive and likely to have difficulty at school, experience mental health problems, engage in substance use, antisocial behavior and can cost society millions of dollars as they enter into adolescence and adulthood given their social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties. They are often seen as the embodiment of their problematic behavior. Dr. Augimeri has spent more than three decades challenging this misconception and bringing awareness to this often “forgotten” group of children by looking past a child’s behavior and, instead, seeing their potential. These children present a unique challenge and require an inimitable approach to help them get back on track; yet formal mechanisms to respond to this group of children are limited.

This session will focus on a comprehensive evidence-based framework developed by the Child Development Institute, in Toronto, Canada that focuses on three key areas: community referral mechanisms, risk/needs assessment, and gender sensitive clinical risk management strategies. The session will highlight the evidence-based SNAP® (Stop Now And Plan) model that inspired the development of this framework over the past 35 years; helping to bring positive, lasting change to the lives of thousands of at-risk children by believing that everyone has the power to change, and that change starts with learning to make better choices, by teaching emotion regulation, self-control, and problem-solving strategies.

Learning Objectives:

Participant will be able to:

  1. Develop a better understanding who these children are (risk factors & needs)
  2. Assess key things communities should consider having in place to help these vulnerable children and their families
  3. Implement key active treatment ingredients to help buffer these risks


Leena K. Augimeri, Ph.D.

Director, Centre for Children Committing Offences (CCCO)
& SNAP International Headquarters
Child Development Institute (CDI)
Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto

Leena K. Augimeri, PhD is SNAP Co-Founder/Director, SNAP® Scientific and Program Development & SNAP International Headquarters at the Child Development Institute and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto. This scientist-practitioner’s work over 35 years has focused on development, research, dissemination and implementation of SNAP, an evidence-based gender specific model, and a comprehensive crime prevention framework for young children with serious disruptive behaviour problems. She has authored numerous publications, has conducted hundreds of presentations and keynote addresses. Dr. Augimeri has also received several prestigious awards - National Recipient of the CAMH Difference Makers of 150 Leading Canadians for Mental Health, Child Welfare League of Canada’s inaugural Outstanding Achievement Research and Evaluation Award, Prime Minister’s Regional Social Innovation Award and Elizabeth Manson Award for exemplary contributions to the promotion of children’s mental health. She is currently leading a multi-million dollar 5-year national implementation strategy to bring SNAP to 100 new communities across Canada using an innovative venture philanthropy model to help create massive social change and help change the landscape of children’s mental health in Canada. In total this initiative has secured more than $40 million for SNAP (services, implementation, research, development and knowledge dissemination).

For general attendance (no CEs requested), Register Here:

Register in advance for this meeting:

Register Here

For Continuing Education (CEs), Register Here:

Register to request CEUs

Donations encouraged $25-100

Donate Now

*CEs for Florida license only. Upon request, the Melissa Institute will provide a certificate of completion that can be self-reported to other boards. We cannot guarantee that it will be accepted by other boards for approval.